
Curabitur luctus ullamcorper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur luctus mauris ut lorem rhoncus bibendum. Donec nec ante odio. Curabitur tincidunt mollis enim, a convallis nisi mattis id. Phasellus convallis ullamcorper tellus, ut feugiat leo fringilla vitae. Curabitur porttitor, erat eu molestie sagittis, mauris libero pharetra erat, ut feugiat erat tortor sed lectus. Mauris ut ligula sit amet mauris pulvinar congue sed in diam. Donec vestibulum molestie magna, a tempus ipsum tempor ac.

Vivamus semper ullamcorper libero, nec consequat nulla tempor at. Maecenas tristique quam sit amet elit pharetra sit amet scelerisque neque laoreet. Nam eros purus, tempor ut sollicitudin et, posuere a purus. Vivamus orci nunc, blandit eget venenatis nec, placerat ut lectus. Morbi bibendum dolor et nibh dignissim tincidunt adipiscing felis auctor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla egestas tempor risus id euismod. Fusce lectus metus, blandit in elementum nec, suscipit at lorem. Sed sed diam eget est fringilla consectetur tempor sed odio. Donec dapibus blandit neque, a tincidunt mi hendrerit et. Nam id augue ac lorem auctor malesuada in ac est. Fusce vehicula auctor mauris eu ultrices. Cras dui tellus, viverra vel pellentesque non, dapibus dignissim turpis.

Suspendisse sit amet commodo ante. In pharetra velit posuere magna tincidunt nec imperdiet augue lacinia. Ut laoreet purus sed dolor volutpat accumsan. Praesent quis quam nec lacus iaculis rutrum. Vestibulum metus lectus, consectetur iaculis accumsan quis, bibendum at sem. Phasellus nunc nibh, mattis eget luctus posuere, ultrices at augue. Fusce commodo, lorem non venenatis gravida, eros odio tempor justo, adipiscing mollis tellus dui sed mi. Mauris mollis mollis libero, a elementum lorem hendrerit vitae. Sed imperdiet felis eget augue commodo ut eleifend nulla tempus. Ut enim elit, volutpat ac fringilla vitae, mollis ac justo. Donec pharetra augue eget lectus vulputate ac aliquet dui euismod. Donec gravida est sed est pretium sit amet aliquet leo sodales. Nullam purus enim, molestie vel vulputate vulputate, tempor ut massa. Suspendisse dolor metus, rutrum nec ultrices eget, placerat vel augue.

Destructive Chewing

Stopping Destructive Dog Chewing

Chewing is a very common problem with puppies and adult dogs. If your dog is bored he will be more prone to chew. Some dogs like to chew out of sheer pleasure and some dogs don’t have a need to chew at all. No matter what your dog finds pleasurable or tasty to chew it is just plain destructive, unless it is a bone that you have allowed him to chew; well, that will be destructive as well, but you have allowed that behavior to happen. “Destructive chewing” is an appropriate term for destroying an item using their sharp teeth. It doesn’t take but a few minutes to show the effects of chewing on your precious possessions instead of his specified toys or other designated items you allow him to chew.



Most Common Reasons Dogs Chew

Chewing is fun, possibly tastes good, it passes the time when left alone and is a very natural instinct for a dog. Let’s face it, some humans have a habit of chewing on things like, the end of a pencil, tooth picks or their nails. It is a natural desire for dogs as well, they just don’t know the difference between their toys and your valuable furniture.

Chewing is soothing to a dog that might be nervous, frightened or lonely. It is a distraction for the negative emotion your dog is feeling at the time.

If your dog is not exercised regularly he will most likely find something to chew on to pass the time. Exercising your dog will help to burn up the built up nervous energy he has and will not be so likely to look for something to chew that leads to destruction

Preventing Destructive Chewing

When you put in a little effort to train your puppy not to chew, he is very capable of learning that he is not supposed to chew your belongings.

It is natural for your dog to investigate his surroundings with his nose and mouth. By keeping your possessions out of reach is the first step to preventing unwanted destruction of your stuff, like your cell phone, shoes, eyeglasses or anything that smells good or easily fits in his mouth. Take into consideration the type of dog you have. Can he easily jump or is he capable of climbing onto a chair to get to the top of the table? Investigate your own surroundings when considering what he might be capable of reaching. For instance, don’t leave garbage in a bag on the floor or a counter that can be reach….if it contains food…it is natural that he will want to chew into the bag to get at that great smelling left over food. It isn’t fair to your dog to assume that he won’t be curious. To prevent your dog from trying to help you clean up dishes that have been left on the counter….rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher or finish washing them and put them away. Now you have a clean kitchen and a happy dog that didn’t have to be yelled at. By keeping your belongings that you don’t want chewed up and destroyed, put away and clear of the area where your dog lives and frequents, from the beginning, it will eliminate the need for your dog to chew in the future. Eliminate temptations!

It is impossible for your dog to distinguish the difference between the socks or shoes that you give him to chew or play tug of war and your socks that you left on the floor by your shoes that you took off. Be sure that you have plenty of OK to chew toys to choose from. However, it is a good idea to limit the number of toys to three or four at a time. Exchanging the old ones for new ones every now and then makes it more fun and interesting to him. Dogs at any age need to chew, it is natural. The key is training them to chew only the toys you specify them to chew. This training has to start from the time he/she is a puppy.

Training a puppy not to chew
inappropriate things takes a bit of discipline on your part. Schedule play time that includes playing with the toys that you want him/her to play with. It is always easier to shut him outside or tie him up to a post, but that is cruel and unfair. He certainly won’t learn the rules if you don’t spend the time to interact with your dog and allow him to explore the boundaries that have been set for him. if you don’t want to be a responsible dog owner, get a fish instead.

If you catch your dog in the act of chewing something inappropriate, immediately get his attention by clapping your hands or firmly using the word NOPE! Yelling is not necessary. Then instantly give him a tasty chew toy like a Kong toy filled with his favorite treats, or a safe chew toy. When he has it in his mouth, immediately praise him. Now he will know exactly what you want him to be chewing.

Persistence Creates Productivity

Always be realistic about your expectations. If all things were perfect…you would be perfect and so would your dog and we know that isn’t possible…at least one unwanted item will get into the jaws of a puppy before the learning process is completely underway. Leaving your pooch for long periods of time breeds boredom and curiosity, especially for something other than the designated toys you have set out for him. Take the necessary steps to keep those unwanted items out of puppy jaws reach until he understands the rules.

Jumping Dogs

Dealing With a Jumping Dog

A lot of dog owners unintentionally encourage and in effect reinforce their puppy to jump from the get go by allowing him/her to come running up to them with wagging tails, then awkwardly and excitably start jumping up for attention. It is our natural instinct to lean over and give hugs, kisses and an assumed acceptance of the jumping behavior. This action can be very annoying when they leave scratches on your legs or tears in your clothing from their sharp nails and what if their paws are just plain muddy? The problem of a jumping puppy does not lye with the puppy or the dog, but with the owner. Puppies don’t know that as a much bigger adult dog that his behavior will most likely not be accepted at all. Just because he has grown up doesn’t give him any reason to stop jumping, in his mind. After all he was rewarded for the jumping a few months ago when he/she was a puppy. Now it is time to address the matter as his owner and begin taking the steps to teach your dog that jumping is not an option anymore.


Click here to learn how to stop your dog from jumping!


When Is Jumping Not Acceptable?


It all depends on weather or not you are ready to accept your dogs idea of the meaning of vertical, all comes down to choice. Small dogs such as the toy breeds that jump up seem to be more widely accepted for their jumping behavior as it is often looked upon as affection and excitement. Small dogs are not large enough to push you over like say a Doberman, and a small dog is not so intimidating to a child. Never the less, most strangers don’t appreciate a dog jumping up on them no matter the size. It comes down to the fact that it is just plain good sense to teach your dog the “OFF” command, so in those instances when you are not around, you don’t have to be concerned that your dog will not be on his best behavior.


What About Big Dogs?


Most big dogs like a Great Dane are taller than most person they are jumping on, not to mention the brute force and strength of a big dog like that. To be bowled over or pushed over by a dog larger than yourself could be frightening, damaging to your clothing and also cause possible injuries to an adult or a child. Big dogs are very heavy and in the process of jumping on you can also step on your feet causing pain and bruises. It is one problem to deal with when the dog is your own, but when it is a complete stranger, that is another uncomfortable problem to have to contend with. Just face it, any type of jumping that involves anyone other than yourself is just bad behavior. Dog owners should train their dogs using the “OFF” command-to always be on the safe side.


Why Does Jumping Happen?


Excitement is the number one reason dogs jump….they want to please and be accepted. For instance when family members have been away for the long work day and return home to the dog who’s adrenaline is rushing, are most likely to be jumped upon because he/she is jumping for joy. A lot of dogs do not jump at all, except for times like this.

Not found as often is the dog that will jump out of the need to exert his/her dominance over you or the person that is being jumped up on. It is in the DNA of a dog to exert dominance over a lesser animal. When dogs are at play with one another they will instinctively place their paws on the shoulder of another dog to enforce physical superiority. You will be able to easily recognize the reason for your dog jumping just by accessing the current situation around the circumstances. Basically, you will have to make some overall serious adjustments to your relationship with your dog. In other words…brush up on your alpha-dog skills. (Secrets to Dog Training is full of resources on dealing with an alpha-dog. A link to the site is at the bottom of this page). Depending on your determination, persistence and your overall effort to curb the problem of your dog jumping will determine weather he/she will continue the negative behavior. Your dog will need to be taught that it is never an acceptable behavior, not even in play. Allowing him to jump sometimes and not other times is forbidden. A dog does not know when you are waring your good clothes or your play clothes or what mood you are in at any given time, so if you allow it once he will try again and again. If you haven’t reinforced the “OFF” command he/she won’t know not to jump because his/her training memory is short. Be consistent….that makes for a happy owner and a happy well behaved dog that everyone will appreciate.


Keep All Four Feet On The Ground!


As most professional trainers agree: stopping most unacceptable behavior (such as jumping); what you need to do is just ignore him when he jumps up by turning your back and turning your face away from him/her. Your dog will respond to your body language must faster than responding to your yelling or attempting to push him/her away. The idea is not to continue on with your task at hand but to actively ignore his/her behavior. Your dog will catch on very quickly to your obvious disregard and annoyance to his action. Giving the cold shoulder to you dog will get his attention and he will calm right down. Now is the time to praise, praise, praise his/her good behavior. Because of their short training memory your dog will only be able to associate the reaction you have given him at the time of the particular behavior. Therefore it is perfectly OK for you to show your great pleasure with his calming behavior and now having all four of his feet on the floor and not your shoulders. Training techniques for all types of problems your dog might be experiencing can be found in the highly recommended “Secrets to Dog Training”. This complete how to manual is filled with almost all of the information and training techniques you will need when dealing with problem behaviors, psychology, communicating with your canine and even detailed step-by-step obedience training guides. Go get Secrets to Dog Training by simply click on the link below. Go Get it NOW!

Pet Health

Vet Secrets

You CAN Heal Your Sick Pet At Home, 
Without Going To The Vet…


In Less Than 24 Hours, this information
can show you how to eExamine,
diagnose, and treat your pet at home.

i had to share this. Being a dog / animal lover in general this is useful information. I know there is a fee involved, but it does come with 100% 60 day money back guarantee. It can help save a pet.

Goto the website to read more about this – Click Here


Dog Friendly Cars

2010 VW Jetta Sportwagen TDI

The 2010 VW Jetta Sportwagen TDI diesel occupies a special place in the automotive market right now. It’s less expensive than its Audi brethren, and yet it uses the same 2.0-liter turbocharged clean diesel engine as the A3. Right now the Germans are the only folks selling diesels in passenger cars, but you can bet that everyone is about to get into the act – especially if the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico drives fuel prices back up to historic highs this summer.

Articles Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance

Below is a listing of all the pet insurance places I have found. Please be advised that i do not represent you or this linked site if you decide to enter into a transaction.

  • VPI Pet Insurance  (20+years)
    phone:  800-540-2016
  • Petplan (30+ years)
    phone: 1.866.467.3875
  • ASPCA Pet Health Insurance
    phone: 1-866-861-9092
  • Premier Pet Insurance (13+ years)
    phone: 1-877-774-4671
  • Pets Best
    phone: 1-866-336-3587
  • Pet Assure (14+years)
    phone: 888-789-PETS
  • Shelter Care Pet Insurance
    phone: 866-375-7387
  • Embrace Pet Insurance
    phone: 800-238-1042
  • Pet First Health Care
    phone: 866-937-PETS
  • Categories
    Dog Friendly Cars

    Dog Friendly – Honda Element

    San Francisco – It had been three years since we’d driven the quirky-looking Honda Element, so we decided to borrow one while in the Bay area visiting family for the holidays.

    Introduced initially in 2003, the Honda Element was one of the first of the distinctive boxy looking wagons, which include the Scion xB, Kia Soul and Nissan Cube. Of the group, the Element is the largest, heaviest, most powerful and most expensive. A couple of other features that set the Element apart from the competition is it is available with all-wheel drive and has the ability to tow a small trailer (up to 1,500 pounds).